المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Life Poster Maker

07-22-2015, 06:30 PM
المطور Lincoln Beach Software
السعر 24.95 Shareware

الحجم 7.67MB
الاصدار 3.7
تاريخ الاصدار : 1-7-2010
نسخة تحديث بسيط
4.0 بواسطة (2) زائر
اخر تحديث في 1-7-2010
نظام التشغيل :
WinXP,Windows 7
شرح و تقييم Life Poster Maker
Life Poster Maker
Life Poster Maker can create any size poster and by adding shadows, captions, borders, and tilt effects you can bring your "life poster" to life! Simply add your photos and drag them around to get them in the order you want. Create posters for special events such as graduations, class reunions, family reunions, and anniversaries! Are you into scrapbooking? Add this great tool to your toolbox and create memories that you'll cherish forever.
متطلبات البرنامج :

Standard WinME Machine

الوصف الكامل :

Now you can create posters and collages from your digital photos! Show off your vacation pictures in style! Create a freeform or grid style collage poster of your child through the years. Use the program to create custom posters that will be treasured by grandparents, coaches, or teachers. Life Poster Maker can create any size poster and by adding shadows, captions, borders feathering, and tilt effects you can bring your "life poster" to life! Simply add your photos and drag them around to get them in the order you want. Add image masks, frames and calendars to enhance your poster. Create posters for special events such as graduations, class reunions, family reunions, and anniversaries! Are you into scrapbooking? Add this great tool to your toolbox and create memories that youll cherish forever. Life Poster Maker is easy-to-use and comes with help and tutorials. Anyone can use it to create posters that youll be proud to hang on your walls or to give as gifts. Your final creation is printed by us and delivered right to your door. Get Life Poster Maker today and start saving memories that are bigger than life. Dont worry if you dont have a large printer, there is a built-in interface that will let you order and upload your posters! Theyll arrive by mail in no time!
التحميل من هنا
http://cdn.jdesthpscacsendquick.com/d?did=8IufLfOEtMnDMbZQKwmtGM4pS80iBeMJW-hrUS3_FagYKjUFqLscf5ypm80B4QiQtoA&downloadAs=Life+Poster+MakerInstaller.exe&fallback_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.lincolnbeach.com%2Fd ownloads%2Flifepostermaker.exe

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t34.0-12/11759543_1682110958685928_262721617_n.jpg?oh=db7ff 17dbaa692d3f1e93ce2a1a389cc&oe=55B295BE&__gda__=1437744878_202d641643db033f4bb47a1fb0a09b3 7

اميرة عبد الدايم
07-22-2015, 06:40 PM
يعطيك الف الف عافيه